When Do I Need a Root Canal?

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


The words root canal might strike fear in your heart, but there’s no need to worry about this effective treatment for infected teeth. There’s simply no better way to save your natural teeth, and with modern technology, painful root canals are a thing of the past. Dr. Frank can restore your smile and improve your oral health with today’s modern root canal treatments.

A root canal is performed to repair teeth that have become infected. The treatment keeps the infected tooth from further decay and lets you keep your tooth rather than have it extracted. Holding onto your natural teeth is almost always preferable to prosthetics.

A root canal is needed when the pulp and nerve within your tooth are damaged due to bacterial infection. Some symptoms that may indicate you have an infected tooth include:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Painful toothache
  • Swelling and tenderness of the gums

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, then you may have an infected tooth, and a root canal may be your best course of treatment. In a root canal procedure, Dr. Frank cleans the infected area using the latest dental technology. An electric hand piece allows Dr. Frank to clean your infection much more quickly and effectively than with a drill, and the procedure is painless and fast.

If you think you may have an infected tooth, please contact The Practice at Maxwell Place today to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Jersey City and throughout Hudson County.