Benefits of Dental Implants

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


The root of your tooth serves two primary purposes: to hold your tooth in place and to send signals to your body that bone is needed in that part of your jaw. When you lose a tooth, you also lose its root, which will eventually result in your body reabsorbing the bone around the missing tooth and forever changing the structure of your jaw. Dentures and dental bridges do not address this issue, but dental implants do.

One of the main benefits of dental implants is their ability to act as a new tooth root. This continues the signals that bone is needed in that area of your jaw, preventing jaw collapse and preserving your facial structure.

To learn how dental implants can improve your smile and preserve your jaw, please call our Hudson County implant dentists at 201-792-9400 today to schedule an initial consultation.

Dental Implant Advantages

In addition to preserving facial structure, dental implants offer a number of advantages over other forms of tooth replacement. These include:

  • Strength and security – Dental implants will not come loose or fall out
  • Superior bite – Dental implants restore full strength and function to your smile
  • Natural appearance – Dental implants provide an ideal foundation for completely natural-looking restorations
  • Tooth preservation – Dental implants do not rely on adjacent teeth for support

The dental implant procedure takes longer than other forms of tooth replacement, but this wait is well worth the many benefits implants offer.

During your initial consultation, we would be happy to answer any dental implant questions you may have, discuss your candidacy for this procedure, and help you determine if dental implants are the best solution for your smile.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, please contact The Practice at Maxwell Place using the form at the right side of the page or call 201-792-9400 today. Our implants dentists serve men and women in Jersey City, Hoboken, and throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.