NuCalm: An All-Natural Alternative to Sedation Dentistry

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


Millions of Americans suffer from dental anxiety. Unfortunately, this fear can cause some patients to delay or avoid getting the treatments they need to stay healthy. Dr. Frank DePaola has long offered sedation dentistry for patients who experience fear of the dentist’s chair, and he is pleased to introduce a new, all-natural alternative called NuCalm.

NuCalm is an exciting alternative to conventional sedation dentistry. While sedation techniques have traditionally relied on medications, nitrous oxide, and other chemical treatments, NuCalm creates a sense of calm using completely safe techniques that virtually all patients can benefit from. In fact, in a survey of more than 300,000 patients nationwide, an overwhelming 98 percent said they would recommend NuCalm to a friend.

NuCalm treatment consists of a comprehensive suite of four complementary therapies:

  • Safe, all-natural, dietary supplements are administered to reduce stress. These supplements may be taken alongside your normal medications.
  • Small patches are placed behind the ears to deliver microcurrent stimulation that promotes relaxation.
  • Soothing music is played through headphones as your dental procedure is performed. The music has been specifically designed with neuroacoustic properties that help you relax.
  • A special eye mask maintains your relaxation by removing all visual stimuli.

If fear of the dentist has caused you to put off the treatments you need, it’s time to learn how NuCalm can help. Please contact the Practice at Maxwell Place using the form at the right side of the page or call 201-792-9400 today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Frank DePaola serves patients in Hoboken, Jersey City, and throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.