Your New Smile Should Beam After Orthodontics or Cosmetic Dentistry

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


19164551 flippedOnce our Hoboken patients have completed an orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry treatment, nothing should mask their great new smiles.

But for people who previously felt less than confident about their smile, it can be hard to move past those old insecurities and introduce a new you to the world through bright, full, ear-to-ear grin — especially in pictures.

Photography and portraiture is an awesome way of tracking dental health improvements over time.

So here are four steps you can take to insure that your new smile looks attractive and appealing in pictures:

Step No. 1: Practice. Particularly in advance of a photo-crazy event like a wedding, don’t be afraid to spend some time trying smile positions in the mirror. The “sweet spot” is the grin that captivates onlookers while being comfortable enough to hold or turn on and off for hours.

Step No. 2: Moisturize. A woman’s smile benefits in pictures from a flattering shade of lipstick. Alternately, few things can make a lady look more awkward in pictures than a vivid, off-color lip rouge. Rosy pinks and soft plums tend to be the most natural looking. But guys, you’re not off hook: Photogenic gentlemen make sure their lips are smooth and moist with help from lip balm or salve.

Step No. 3: Posture. Standing up straight and angling your body can quickly resolve double chins and unflattering bulges in pictures.

Step No. 4: Relax. One of the fastest ways to ruin a photo is to embody a stiff, uncomfortable wallflower. But having a great new smile means that you are no wallflower! So work on relaxing in photos. Your grin, posture and body language should be casual and natural.

To learn more about the many orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry options to improve your smile, please contact the Practice at Maxwell Place today or call 201-792-9400 to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Hoboken and Hudson County, New Jersey.
