Harmful Food for Childrens Teeth

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


Oral health is an important part of a child’s overall health, and that’s why helping children establish a good dental hygiene routine at a young age is critical.

The Hoboken, New Jersey, pediatric dentists at Frank R. DePaola DDS & Associates emphasize preventive dentistry, and we work with parents and children to provide the information necessary to build and maintain a good oral health regimen.

Children should brush their teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing should be followed at least once a day with flossing in order to remove lingering food particles from hard-to-reach places between the teeth and gums.

Children should also receive a thorough dental check-up and professional teeth-cleaning at least once every six months. This allows us to monitor your child’s dental health, and detect and treat potential issues before they become problems.

Diet can also play a critical role in a child’s dental and systemic health. When residue from sugary, starchy foods and drinks are left in the mouth, they help build bacteria that cause your teeth to develop the sticky film known as plaque.

Over time, plaque cause tooth enamel to decay and lead to cavities. The best way to avoid plaque is to avoid giving children food and drinks with excessive sugar.

Water and milk are preferable and far healthier for kids than soda, sports drinks, juice, punch, and other sweetened beverages. Similarly, highly processed foods like ketchup and peanut butter have high amounts of added sugar and should be avoided where possible.

Fruits and vegetables are as helpful to children’s oral health as they are to their overall health. Whole wheats and dark greens also help to build strong teeth and promote oral health.

If you would like more information on children’s oral health or would like to schedule your child’s regular dental exam, please contact Frank R. DePaola DDS & Associates. We welcome patients from the Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark, New Jersey, areas.