Can a Dentist Treat my Headache?

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


Frequent headaches aren’t just painful, they also interfere with your quality of life. The National Headache Foundation reports that migraines cost U.S. employers about $13 billion per year in lost productivity. While many headaches have no clear cause, some may be related to your bite. If you suffer from frequent headaches, Dr. Frank can help you find relief.

Some kinds of headaches, especially migraines, may have their root in bite alignment and jaw function. Many of our patients living with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) find that their headaches improve after treatment for jaw misalignment issues.

Unlike over-the-counter and prescription medications, which treat only headache symptoms, our approach addresses the underlying cause of your headaches. Some of the headache treatments that Dr. Frank uses to treat his patients’ recurring headaches include:

  • Night guards
  • Removable neuromuscular orthotic devices
  • Fixed orthotic devices
  • DNA (daytime-nighttime appliance) expansion orthodontics
  • Orthodontic and restorative dental treatments

There’s no need to suffer if headaches are interfering with your life. Find out how Dr. Frank can help you find relief from these painful symptoms.

Please contact The Practice at Maxwell Place today to schedule an appointment with one of our headache treatment dentists. We serve patients in Jersey City and the surrounding Hudson County areas.
