Hoboken Cosmetic Dentistry Blog – Dr. DePaola

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey

January 08, 2016

Happy New Year! Dr. Frank and his Hoboken dentistry team hopes you enjoyed a great holiday season with family and friends. Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to move forward and make 2016 the best year it can be.

Hopefully the downtime over the holidays gave you some time to reflect on the goals that you’ll strive to achieve during the upcoming year. While many of these goals may be career, financial, or…

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December 28, 2015

Stress impacts your body and health in many ways. It can prevent you from getting a restful night’s sleep, lead to weight gain, cause you to go prematurely grey, and create many other issues which are detrimental to your life. But did you know that stress can also impact your teeth and gums?

When you experience high levels of stress, it can lead to a variety of oral health issues. There are several reasons for…

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December 18, 2015

There are many reasons to replace your old amalgam fillings with tooth-colored dental fillings. Those silver cavity caps worked well for patients for decades, but they are less than aesthetically pleasing and could be hiding something sinister underneath.

Amalgam fillings can make x-rays ineffective. They don’t actually bind to your teeth. It’s easy for bacteria to build within the gap and…

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December 14, 2015

Due to its ability to straighten your teeth using clear plastic aligners that are virtually invisible to others, Invisalign has become one of the most popular orthodontic treatments, particularly for adults. But before you decide whether you want to move forward with your Invisalign treatment, you should know whether the procedure is right for you.

Invisalign uses a series of…

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December 02, 2015

There are many reasons why people try to avoid sugary drinks. Some are related to health reasons, such as keeping blood sugar levels low and reducing the risk of diabetes. Others steer clear of sugary drinks in order to keep their weight down. Another common reason relates to oral health – sugary drinks have long been linked with an increased risk of tooth decay. But did you realize that you are just as likely to develop cavities from sugar free drinks?

A recent study found that there is very little difference in the levels of tooth decay caused by drinking sugary and sugar free drinks. The study, conducted at the University of…

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November 16, 2015

Generally, the dental implant process requires several appointments at our Hoboken office which are spread over six to eight months. The time for this process varies depending on the healing speed of the patient.

The implant process is started when a titanium dental implant, which will serve as your replacement tooth root, is implanted on the first visit to our Hoboken implant dentistry office. The implant is placed in the socket of the missing tooth. You are either given local or generalized anesthesia and will feel very little pain during the recovery. It usually…

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November 10, 2015

After your dental implants are placed, the body reacts with a process called osseointegration. Through this natural process, your dental implants will become permanently embedded in the jaw and will be the closest thing you can get to a real root for a replacement tooth. Many of the benefits of dental implants are a direct result of osseointegration.

Osseointegration takes place through the same natural processes as when your body is healing from a bone fracture. While osseointegration is most often discussed…

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October 28, 2015

If you have crooked teeth, porcelain veneers may be an excellent option for correcting your smile. Dental veneers are a cosmetic dentistry restoration in which a shell or layer of tooth-colored material is placed over the front surfaces of your teeth, making them look whole and healthy again.

Dr. Frank…

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October 20, 2015

Chances are your children have been looking forward to Halloween for weeks. While helping with their costumes and taking them trick-or-treating are something to look forward to, all the excess sugar and risk of cavities are not. Our Jersey City family dentists know how to help you strike a balance and make the most of the season.

The following tips will help you reduce the risk that your children will develop cavities from eating all of that delicious Halloween candy:

  1. Practice Moderation—Kids who feel deprived are likely to sneak candy when you aren’t aware, so help them…
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October 15, 2015

Dr. Frank has examined that front, chipped tooth and determined you need a dental crown. Your immediate thoughts are, how much will this cost? How long does it take to put in a crown? Can I get this done soon to stop the pain when I eat and drink? And, how long will a crown last before I have to get a new one?

Dental crowns are typically made of porcelain, a durable…

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