In-House vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


Hoboken cosmetic dentist Dr. Frank DePaola is pleased to offer our patients both in-house and at-home teeth whitening options. Dr. Frank has found that a combination of these methods works best, but will base which option is right for you on your aesthetic goals, level of staining, and other individual factors.

The primary differences between the in-house and at-home teeth whitening options offered by Dr. Frank are the length of time it takes to get results and the length of time those results last. In-house teeth whitening is done with the Zoom! teeth whitening system or the GLO system, which can lighten your teeth up to eight shades in as little as one hour.

At-home whitening is done with customized trays and professional bleaching solution. Without Zoom! or GLO, this option can take up to 30 days to whiten teeth. However, when you use at-home applications following your Zoom! or GLO treatment, not only can you enhance results, you can extend your teeth whitening for a much longer duration. This is why Dr. Frank recommends a combined approach for most of our patients.

Please contact The Practice at Maxwell Place today to schedule your teeth whitening consultation. Dr. Frank DePaola serves patients in Hoboken and Jersey City, New Jersey.