Posted: March 24, 2015
Flossing is an important part of your daily oral hygiene routine, helping you eliminate plaque that can eventually lead to gum disease. Unfortunately, many people don’t floss as often as they should, often because they find the task of flossing to be a challenge. There are several products on the market which try to make this process a little easier. One of these is a brand new product called GumChucks.
The GumChucks device is shaped like miniature nun chucks. Two disposable tips connected by a piece of dental floss attach to plastic handles. The handles improve control and dexterity, making it easier to wrap the floss around your teeth.
Using GumChucks for your flossing may provide the following benefits:
- Easier to floss the teeth in the back of your mouth
- Removes more plaque
- Prevents circulation being cut off when floss is wrapped around your fingers
- Faster flossing
Let’s be clear about one thing: GumChucks are not an essential dental hygiene tool, and Dr. Frank isn’t recommending it to all of his Hoboken-area patients. But it is essential for you to floss every day, and if this tool helps you to be more diligent in your flossing, then you should certainly give it a try.
Please contact the Practice at Maxwell Place using the form at the right side of the page or call 201-792-9400 today to schedule your next dental checkup and professional teeth cleaning. Dr. Frank DePaola serves patients in Hoboken, Jersey City, and throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.