Foods that Reduce Teeth Staining

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


Everyone wants to flash a radiant white smile. It’s a universal sign of health and well-being that transcends cultural and political borders. Our teeth naturally lose some of their luster as we age, and we all recognize that certain foods can accelerate the staining process. But did you know that some foods have a protective effect?

You probably already know the foods that cause staining: tea, red wine, coffee, candy, and berries can all create stains. But it’s good to know that there are also foods that can do just the opposite. Here are our top picks:

  • Fibrous and abrasive foods can scour the teeth and reduce the appearance of stains. Fibers of the peelu plant (Salvadora persica), also called the toothbrush tree have long been used to promote oral health, and even the World Health Organization recommends this natural remedy. Other fibrous foods that can do your smile a favor include apples, carrots, and celery.
  • Acidic foods, especially those containing citric acid, help break up the proteins that coat the surface of the teeth and can lock in stains. Look to citrus fruits of all kinds, as well as to strawberries, which also contain malic acid.
  • Enzyme-rich foods like ginger, pineapple, and papaya contain proteolytic compounds that break up the proteins that can trap staining agents.

Keep in mind that while these foods may help, nothing beats regular dental cleanings and professional teeth whitening to deliver that bright, dazzling smile you’ve always wanted.

Please contact the Practice at Maxwell Place using the form at the right side of the page or call 201-792-9400 today to schedule a teeth whitening consultation. Dr. Frank DePaola serves patients in Jersey City, Hoboken, and throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.