General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


You may notice that Hoboken family dentist Dr. Frank R. DePaola bears the notation “DDS” next to his name while other dentists, including those at Frank R. DePaola DDS & Associates, use “DMD.” So just what is the difference between DDS and DMD?

In the situation of dentists, the difference is all in the name. “DDS” stands for “doctor of dental surgery,” while “DMD” indicates “doctor of dental medicine” (never mind the reversal of letters in the abbreviation for the latter).

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the state agencies responsible for licensing dentists view DDS and DMD designations as the same thing. Regardless of whether your dentist of choice is a DMD or DDS, he or she has completed a general dentistry curriculum at an accredited dental school.

Some schools use the DDS designation while others utilize DMD. The first specialized school devoted to dental medicine in the United States, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, awarded a doctor of dental surgery degree.

When Harvard became the first university to establish a dental school, administrators titled the degree doctor of dental medicine. The use of DMD instead of DDS at Harvard was because school officials viewed dentistry as an extension of medicine, not solely surgery; some sources also indicate that the Latin translation for doctor of dental surgery would not fit on diplomas, which at Harvard are printed in Latin.

Regardless of whether they earned DMD or DDS degrees, the compassionate and knowledgeable dentists at Frank R. DePaola DDS & Associates can provide you and your loved ones with the quality family dentistry care you need and deserve.

If you would like to schedule your regular dental exam and teeth cleaning, please contact Frank R. DePaola DDS & Associates. Our accomplished dentists welcome patients from the Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark areas.
